Are You Ready For Tropical Storm Gordon?
Gordon made landfall over the southern tip of the Florida Peninsula on Monday, September 3rd.
It’s now predicted to make its 2nd landfall as a Category 1 Hurricane over the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana to Mississippi late today (Sept 4th).
Are you ready for the storm?

(Courtesy of Fox News)
Tropical Storm Gordon is continuing to gain strength this morning and is expected to become a hurricane by the time it hits the central U.S. Gulf Coast, including coastal Mississippi.
Voluntary evacuation orders have been issued for parts of Louisiana for residents in areas outside the levee protection system.
We’re looking a 3 to 5-foot storm surge along the coasts. And the Weather Channel is predicting 75 mph winds on the Alabama and Mississippi borders. They also warn that there will be flooding inland, so even if you’re away from the coast, you should still make plans to protect your property. That means your business technology.
Here’s What You Should Do Now:
- Make sure all of your computer equipment is off the floor, in case of flooding.
- Back up all of your critical data in case your computers fail.
- Unplug all of your computers when you leave the office.
- Make sure everyone reviews your disaster plan in case you need to put it into action.
- Keep backup copies of your important documents, such as insurance documents and vendor contact information. Take them to an area that won’t be affected by flooding or high winds.
According to FEMA you should also take these precautions NOW:
(ELEVATE, WATERPROOF, AND CLEAR DEBRIS Your goal now, before a flood occurs, is to reduce the risk of damage to structures from flooding.
- This means elevating critical utilities, such as electrical panels, switches, sockets, wiring, appliances, and heating systems, and waterproofing basements. In areas with repetitive flooding, consider elevating the entire structure.
- Make sure that basements are waterproofed and that your sump pump is working and then install a battery-operated backup in case of a power failure. Installing a water alarm will also let you know if water is accumulating in your basement.
- Clear debris from gutters and downspouts. Anchor any fuel tanks. Move furniture, valuables, and important documents to a safe place.
- Know your evacuation routes; plan your transportation and a place to stay. The safest way to survive a flood is to evacuate the area if advised to leave. To ensure that you will be able to act quickly should the need arise, you need to plan ahead. – Know your community’s local flood evacuation plan and identify several escape routes for your location if roads are blocked; include plans to evacuate people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, pets, service animals, and livestock.
- If you will evacuate by car, keep your car fueled and in good condition. Keep emergency supplies and a change of clothes in your car.
- If you will need to share transportation, make arrangements now.
- If you will need to use public transportation, including paratransit, contact your local government emergency management agency to ask how an evacuation will work, how you will get current information during an evacuation, the location of staging areas, and other information.
- If you need to relocate for an extended period of time, identify a place away from home now where you could go if you had to leave. Consider family or friends who live outside of the local area.
- If you expect to go to a shelter after evacuating, download the American Red Cross Shelter Finder app. This app displays open American Red Cross shelters and provides the capacity and current population of each shelter. Visit You can also text SHELTER + your ZIP code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest shelter in your area.
- If you have pets and plan to go to a shelter, call to inquire whether the shelter can accommodate your pets. Shelters will accept service animals.
Imminent Flooding Action Plan (Courtesy of Interstate Restoration)
If you are in an area where flooding or flash flooding has been an afterthought, and are suddenly facing the possibility of a flood, or you simply haven’t prepared, your top priority should be the safety of customers and employees. Here are some key steps to protecting people and your business:
- Pay attention—In addition to listening to local weather alerts, keep an eye out in your area for signs of trouble.
- Don’t wait to move or act—If there is a chance of flash flooding that could impact your business or leave people trapped in your business, heed official advice for evacuations or other measures and carefully consider the best evacuation routes. Remember as little as six inches of fast-moving water can sweep a person away, and two feet of running water can move a vehicle.
- If you have time, grab key documents and information—Hopefully, you have backups of key insurance and business information at another safe site. If not, and the circumstances allow, try to get your most important documents and information to a safe place.
Be safe everyone. Remember, we’re here to help with the restoration of your technology if you need it.