Now that some time has passed since the release of Windows 10, the reviews and feedback are rolling in, and so far, most of it has been positive. Reports thus far have ranged from smooth and satisfactory to small and minor annoyances, as is to be expected with any major release. Few reports have even indicated major problems that resulted in the user resorting back to Windows 7 or 8.
The business world is flooded with people either considering making the change, or those attempting to adjust after making the change, all with a lengthy list of questions. Discussed below are some of the more pressing questions, as well as the answers you’ve been waiting for, in order to help make your decision or adjustment to move over to Windows 10 that much more well informed and easy.
A new feature of Windows 10 called Wi-Fi Sense is designed to make it easier for friends and family to access your network, with no password required, as Microsoft will automatically log them on. This feature has a lot of confusion surrounding it, and it seems to be scarier than it is.
It is important to note that your password is not shared with anyone, and users have the ability to fully control the feature’s functions, even disabling it completely if desired. People only get logged on to your network automatically if they are a contact in your Outlook, Skype or Facebook accounts, and if someone is removed from your contacts, they will be unable to connect.
Some users have no concerns about upgrading to Windows 10, only to learn that a critical piece of hardware or software is not compatible. Luckily, users are able to investigate this before committing to an upgrade. On the bottom right corner of the user’s screen, in the notification tray, users can click on the ‘Get Windows 10’ app icon.
From there, they must right click and select “check your upgrade status.” Then, in the screen that appears, select the icon with three horizontal lines, found in the upper left corner. A drop down menu will appear and users will be able to click the “check your PC” option. As the process executes, the app will bring up an overall yes or no on installing Windows 10, and also provide a list of any items on the computer that may not be completely compatible.
There are indeed some features from older versions of Windows that are absent in the new Windows 10, but how critical they are really depends on the user. Many people have seemed to be upset by the elimination of Windows Media Center, not to be confused with Windows Media Player, which is still an available feature. Windows Media Center is a program that allowed users to watch and record TV by using third party TV tuner cards in your computer. The program was also convenient for managing and interacting with the media stored on the computer.
A solution to this issue is to replace Windows Media Center with a free program such as Kodi, but before doing this, be sure to test it out to make sure it has all of the features and functions needed.
Windows 10 dropped an additional six features, such as:
Microsoft decided with Windows 10 that all security and program updates would automatically install the day of their release. This is practical in terms of security, considering millions of users across the world fail to install updates and it leaves their computers open to attack.
The downside to this is that it means problematic updates cannot be avoided. Many users were made aware of this issue when an update was released that put some computers into an endless reboot, and there was no means to ignore the update. It is likely Microsoft will continue making adjustments to this system so situations similar to this are minimized.
Those operating Windows 10 Enterprise have the option of deferring updates for a small period of time, however, those running Windows 10 Home do not have this option. In addition, the way Windows 10 gets updates has undergone changes. Update files are downloaded from other users, and other users get to download update files from your computer, which poses as a security issue to some.
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